Bank Identification
A part of customer approval is the identification and verification of your bank account. This is legal requirement for us. Therefore, after registration of your organization you are requested to provide a Bank Identification.
A valid bank identification is a recent copy (photo/scan) of the bank statement of your corporate bank account (maximum 1 month old), or a recent copy (printscreen) of your corporate online banking environment (maximum 1 week old, the login date, your bank account number and name of your organization need to be visible).
Corporate bank account:
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the bank account you use to receive payments must be a corporate bank account that is registered to the name of your organization. It is legally prohibited to use a private bank account for this purpose, not even if you have an eenmanszaak.
Note: You can of course black out the names and amounts of third parties on the documents you provide. Your company name, bank account number and login date must however be clearly visible.
Identifying via a 1 cent payment
We also offer the possibility to identify the bank account through a 1 cent payment. More information on this can be found in the bank settings of your account.