DirectDebit API
This HTTP API can prepare your payments that need to be collected through a SEPA direct debit. For each payment you invoke the Start API with the amount that must be collected and from which bank account.
You will get for each debit request, a instant first status based on a number of checks, such as the bank account. The outstanding debt collection cases are offered daily at the bank. The specified report URL receives updates about the status of the payment. The agreement confirmation usually occurs after approximately 2 workingdays.
For more information and terms contact our sales team at
Use below this, the account number and customer name as the check API iDEAL returned.
Start API Request payment
Before starting the payment, you have to call the Start API. You will get a paymentlink and a transaction ID (for in your database).
Call the next URL with GET
With the following parameters (* = required):
Variable | Explanation | Example |
ver* | API version, this is version 2 | 2 |
rtlo* | Shop ID (also known as subaccount or layoutcode) to which the payment has to be made | 93393 |
amount* | Amount in eurocents: Minimum 100 , Maximum 100000 | 1000 |
description* | Description of the transaction: this will apear on the customer's bank statement. Use only letters or numbers, max. 32 characters | Webshop order #1234 |
reporturl* |
Report URL: is called after payment (server-to-server), by means of a POST .
Check here if the payment was indeed completed and process the order further. This script is also invoked if the customer were to accidentally close the browser.
If parameters are sent:
| /reportOrder |
returnurl |
Return URL: the customer will recieve a payment confirmation after the payment if you pass us the customers email address. Inside the payment confirmation mail is a return URL. The transaction number is passed to the return URL as trxid . Example: | /thankYouPage |
once |
Whether this is a one-off payment or not. This shows the consumer inside their online banking environment that the upcoming debit is one-off and will not recur. Note that a one-off payment always needs to have a unique mandate. This parameter is optional, the default is: 0
1 or 0 |
Email address of the customer. When filled in, we will send a payment confirmation by email to your customer. | | |
salt* | Salt: a random series of numbers of which the checksum is calculated, which is included in the report URL. Up to 32 characters. | e381277 |
cbank* | IBAN of the customer, for the debt collection | NL20RABO02873663091 |
cname* | Name of the customer. Maximum length is 35 characters. | K Raaijmakers |
mandate* | Unique identification number for the direct debit. For examle the customer ID. | 29991 |
mandatestart* | The date of when the consumer entered the debt agreement(YYYY-MM-DD). Use the date 2009-11-01 for agreements that went in before 01 februari 2014 | 2024-09-17 |
duedate |
Date of when the debit shall take place (YYYY-MM-DD). You can specify a date in the future if you want to collect the payment in the future. Until that time, the transaction status shall remain 'Open'. If the field is left open, the date will be held today. If the processing date falls in the weekend or on a national holiday the debit will be passed to the bank on the first weekday. |
2024-10-01 |
securitylevel* |
Allows you to specify how strict the debits should be checked to avoid setting double payments ready. We recommend the level set as high as possible. Example 1: If your debit is used once a month to bill for subscription money, select level 5 (very severe), as an account number can not come several times a day. Example 2: You sell products where it is conceivable that multiple payments are open on the same day, then choose a lower level. A payment may be accepted by DigiWallet if ...
5 |
userip | IP address of the customer: not mandatory, but is useful in detecting any problems. | |
test |
Whether to use the DigiWallet Test Panel. When enabled, the launch URL is a link to the Test Panel, where no real money will be charged. Note that when you have your outlet set to test-mode through the DigiWallet Dashboard, this parameter will be forced to 1. Remember to turn off this option when the site goes live. The default is, test mode off. |
"1" or "0" |
You will then get result in the following form:
| transactienummer
000000 OK|651691489
If test-mode is enabled, you will receive the DigiWallet Test Panel URL at the end:
| transactienummer
| test-panel-URL
000000 OK|651691489|
In this case, you will have to perform a redirect to the Test Panel.
Possible result codes:
Result code | Description |
000000 | Payment is prepared |
DW_XE_0003 Validation failed, details: JSON-encoded array
One or more fields failed to validate, you can decode the JSON array for a detailed analysis. |
DW_IE_0002 Maximum retries at acquirer bank exceeded for primary and fallback | The acquirer system did not respond multiple times in a row, indicating there might be a service disruption going on. |
DW_IE_0006 System is busy, please retry later | Internal systems are overloaded and DigiWallet is likely already working on resolving the problem. |
DW_IE_0001 Unknown internal error | Unknown internal error, mail to to be sorted out. |
Check API Request payment status
Based on the transaction number you can check if the payment is actually made. After payment, the report URL underwater is invoked by the DigiWallet server. It also mentions the payment status, but for safety reasons we strongly recommend to always ask the status from DigiWallet.
Invoke the following URL with a GET
The following parameters (* = required):
Variable | Explanation | Example |
rtlo* | Shop ID (layoutcode) | 93393 |
trxid* | Transaction number | 30626804185492 |
test |
If you have started the transaction in test-mode, call the Check API in test-mode as well. Otherwise your transaction will not be found. Note that when you have your outlet set to test-mode through the DigiWallet Dashboard, this parameter will be forced to 1. Remember to turn off this option when the site goes live. The default is, test mode off. |
1 |
once* |
If you fill in 1 , then an OK status will be returned only once. If the URL mentioned above is invoked for the same transaction then a DW_SE_0028 Transaction already checked will follow. If you fill in '0' for once, a 000 000 OK status will always keep coming back. |
0 |
You will receive as answer:
Result code | Description |
000001 Open | The payment has not been offered at the bank yet |
000002 Processing | The payment has been offered to the bank, but has not been processed yet |
000003 Chargeback | The consumer has charged back the money |
000004 Rejected | The bank has declined the debit |
DW_XE_0003 Validation failed, details: JSON-encoded array
One or more fields failed to validate, you can decode the JSON array for a detailed analysis. |
DW_IE_0002 Maximum retries at acquirer bank exceeded for primary and fallback | The acquirer system did not respond multiple times in a row, indicating there might be a service disruption going on. |
DW_IE_0006 System is busy, please retry later | Internal systems are overloaded and DigiWallet is likely already working on resolving the problem. |
DW_IE_0001 Unknown internal error | Unknown internal error, mail to to be sorted out. |